24 November 2009

Speak Your Mind.

Eloquent / adj - skilled in fluent, forceful speaking

Strong minded. Undoubtedly prepared. It's not often one gets lost in translation while having the capability to forcefully speak their mind. Masters of their own imagery manipulating others to believe the discovery of an antagonists mind.
It is my intention to get others into my own dimension. Verbally acclimated, laying low until the winds blow over; striking forcefully with that verbal hit. Elevate my mental state. Enhancing others knowledge of what crosses my mind, simply, yet eloquently.
The epitome of an eloquent speaker flows in a way that his lyrics punctuate the tone of his voice drives one to strongly believe in something so off the wall. He exerts such passion through the connotations of his meanings. Deep thinking. Smoothly getting the point across. Intricately simple.
In plain lucidity, "Fuck you lucy". A statement often expressed as a compelling and vehement attitude. For some it can just be another phrase spoken too frequently. And for others, the meaning behind such a simplistic  verbiage can provide eloquence in its own ominous way. Having hidden implications drive deeper than what's on the inside. It gets deep into ones soul allowing them to openly express what emotions lie within, providing them with some what a peace of mind.

19 November 2009

Side Note.

"Truth can only make you stronger. It steps to your conscience and your soul with a realness that defies fakery, frivolity, and euphemism. Truth is bold, daring, and unabashedly unapologetic. Truth stands tall against anything put in its path."


Walking through time, contemplating thoughts, faceless figures of poetic shots pass me by, get me high. Stimulating my creative cavity, I often practice the art of think....
and sink into the depths of reason.
It takes me away, but to a territory I DO KNOW 
so I can never get lost in thought but just kept hidden in my secret spot.
Thoughts fill my brain, I try to maintain in the quiescence atmosphere,
no one there.
The syllables of the words poetic nothings call to me through the silence in which my soul indulges and casts that western score enchanting me.
Thoughts bring me peace.

Some of the time.

Right now... I'm fine. 

Artist: Nujabes
Album: Second Collection
Genre: Hip Hop

I Wish it Would Rain.

The things you do has got me fallin head over heels for you// as your lyrical mind finds mine// the time, I want to rewind// emotions spoken// words not broken// a relic to my satisfaction// not living in prognostication//your presence fulfills my heart that I haven't felt for so long// like a euphonious song// I cant get enough of your tender embrace//trace// my body with your soft kisses// the bliss// as you take me on a heavenly ride//i smile// and you are the reason// no teasin...

so into mayer hawthorne. haha.

This video is great. haha. 

Mayer Hawthorne's barbershop quartet from Stones Throw on Vimeo.

ok ok. This is my favorite from his album.

Mayer Hawthorne - Green Eyed Love /Stones Throw from self aviary on Vimeo.

ok. I like this video too. haha

Mayer Hawthorne - Just Ain't Gonna Work Out from Stones Throw on Vimeo.

I cant get enough of him.

Artist: Mayer Hawthorne
Album: Strange Arrangement
Genre: Soul

southern california part ii

The waves crash against the rock
as it crumbles back onto shore.
Surfer boys ride the emotions
taking that chance of having one more.
The ocean has feelings...
it possess all that we feel.
My tears have filled the ocean to its
greatest capacity...
it overflows...
you can see my heart amongst
the green and blue
you can hear my screams of
hurt, pain, independence and joy
but nobody knows.
Nobody see the pain that  I keep.

Im having those southern california withdrawals....
This was a typical day for me...crusin around, people watchin, good vibin...

Simple Citizens. A day in the life of....

"Journey to Lemona" from Simple Citizens on Vimeo.

southern california.

Beyond Horizons.

What goes on beyond the horizon
Nothing you can see but an open body of water
... it seems endless.
Like nothing exists beyond that point.
But I know what lies there...
what lies there is an opportunity waiting
for someone to take that chance,
a life that anyone can stray to...
A journey that an adventurer can
take, new possibilities that await to be discovered
a love that everyone is afraid to have...
that horizon can be deceiving.

17 November 2009

Blissfully Simple.

Effulgence\ noun;

The state of being bright and radiant; splendor; brilliance.

It's been awhile since I've truly appreciated the setting of the sun. I have yet to find a place that eases my mind.

I miss it.

Residing in the south of California has given me the opportunity to enjoy and embrace the warm sunset as it's illuminous light touched my skin.
It has given me a different light --
a high constant effulgence with tones of red, amber, orange, yellow, pink...dark blue hues...
reflecting softly yet radiantly in it's manner.
It produced colors so vivid and luminous I had to blink several times to make sure it was real.
It was the end.
Of the day.
As usual the setting sun shed a melancholy splendor that flowed through my body enhancing my natural high.
It was the introduction of the tenebrous night that was approaching.
The start of a new feeling engulfed my sould releasing my perception of the days past.
Leaving me intoxicated witht he sounds of nothingness.

A peace of mind.

15 November 2009

Desired Constellationz.

Today is one of those Mellow Sundays. Gotta love it.

Artist: Amp Live (Bjork Remix)

Album: DJ Amp Live Mashups

Genre: Trip Hop

12 November 2009

All Things Sexy.

Seduction. Puts you in that mood..... to relax.
let your mind wander...
my antidote. my remedy. 
the sound is harmonious.

I dedicate this to everyone who appreciates the love...
the love of another...
the love of their something...
for the love of music...
for the love of life.

it's f'ckin sexy...

j'ai envie de toi.
I want you.

Artist: Orsten
Album: Hotel Costes X
Genre: Sexy...

 Je veux passer la reste de ma vie avec vous.
I want to spend the rest of my life with you.

a la meme heure demain?
so same time tomorrow?

01 November 2009


Soo sick.

Artist: Prefuse 73
Album: Estrocaro
Genre: Trip hop