27 October 2009


(transcribed from the past...)

It doesn't fall as incessantly anymore.
Good or Bad?
I used to cry everynight.
It doesn't flow anymore.
As a matter of fact, it doesn't flow at all
no matter what sensation endured.
Dry. Empty. Worn out.
Ironic. I miss the teardrops kissing my
Teardrops touching my heart
No more blue moons calling upon my soul
having finally let go...
letting go...
of the grief as deep and penetrating as the ocean
of the sadness enveloped around my aura
of the happiness overtaking my mental state
of the sun warming up my soul...
leaving me in denial of my emotions
buried deep within
Blue tears used to invade my essence
leaving shadows in my heart.
It doesn't flow anymore
I cant taste the salt water streaming down my face...
pain ceases to exist...anything ceases to exist
But why is it, that it hurts so good?
Hurts so good to feel pain like an addiction.
Nonetheless tears stop falling regardless the situation
Leaving me Dry. Empty. Worn out.
Even so...

It doesn't hurt anymore.
It doesn't hurt at all.

12 October 2009


transmute\verb: to change from one nature, from substance or state into another; to transform

It now seems as if she no longer had the strength or will to transmute life into art.

Transmute. Funny thing. Me and someone I know had a conversation about one changing. It's kind of crazy how things change no matter what it is. For instance, like how someone can go from abstaining from alcohol to all of a sudden be all about it. Or how someone can be sweet in the beginning of a relationship to all of a sudden act like whatever. Or say I love you......

Everyone and EVERYTHING is a chameleon; blending in with new trends of today to decomposing into the earth. I don't really know of one person that doesn't transmute. As India Arie stated, " The only constant in the world is change." I believe this to be sooo true. Change is constant. Nothing seems to be grounded. The world around us is constantly changing and we all have to learn to adapt and walk forward with what life throws at us.

Our emotional, physical, psychological state...
never the same twice.

A good example of a transmute song...

Hear it.
You tell me...

Artist: Flying Lotus
Album: Reset EP
Genre: Hip Hop/ Trip-Hop